Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Mengetahui Imei dan PIN BlackBerry valid atau tidak

IMEI merupakan singkatan dari International Mobile Equipment Identity yang merupakan serangkaian 15 (lima belas) nomor acak yang unik untuk mewakili identitas suatu ponsel. Rangkaian nomor ini bukannya tanpa aturan sama sekali,justru sebaliknya sdh sangat direncanakan dgn teliti penuh dgn perhitungan algoritma yg mendalam..

IMEI mempunyai format penulisan dan keabsahan yang harus diperhatikan seperti berikut:

misalkan imei 353309018909870

TAC =35
FAC =330901
SNR =890987
SP =0

TAC =Type Approval Code,yg dua digit awalnya adalah kode negara
FAC=Final Assembling Code,yaitu kode untuk lokasi atau nama pabrik pembuat ponsel tsb

SNR=Serial Number, yaitu kode algoritma sebagai identitas asli nomor seri ponsel tsb..alias nomer mesin nomer rangka asli ponsel

SP = adalah kepanjangan dari SPare
digit verifikasi keabsahan nomor IMEI, default-nya bernilai 0, angka ini akan berubah setelah dilakukan validasi nomor IMEI.

angka SP bisa juga di hitung berdasarkan checksum .
dengan tool yg bisa di download di forum2.

Metode / algoritma untuk menentukan apakah nomor IMEI tersebut valid atau tidak berdasarkan pada algoritma Luhn. Selain pada IMEI, algoritma Luhn juga diterapkan pada penomoran Kartu Kredit, beberapa kartu ATM seperti BNI, namun tentunya dengan format yang agak berbeda.

nah kalo di perdalam masalah utak atik angka algoritma ini bisa2 anda bobol kartu kredit orang hehehhehehe gak boleh yah, kerja service hape ajalah halal dan bisa sukses kok

Nah adapun untuk validasi nomor IMEI adalah sebagai berikut.
Anggap digit - digit IMEI adalah D14 D13 D12 sampai... D1 SP dimana D14 merupakan digit paling kiri sedangkan digit SP adalah digit paling kanan.

  Cara menghitungnya adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Kalikan dua semua digit IMEI pada posisi ganjil, D13, D11, D9, D7, D5, D3, dan D1
  • Jumlahkan semua digit (secara individu) hasil perkalian tersebut => X1
  • Jumlahkan semua digit IMEI pada posisi genap => X2
  • Jumlahkan X1 dan X2 = X3
  • Jika X3 adalah angka yang diakhiri dengan 0 (0,10,20,30, dst), maka SP = 0, jika tidak, maka SP adalah hasil pengurangan dari angka puluhan terdekat yang lebih tinggi dari X3
  Atau bisa juga pake tool checksum aja supaya menghitung angka sp gak ribet hehehehehe...

misalkan imei :

358453 02 576225/2

diketahui nilai sp=2

sn= 576225
maka pin yg bisa dipakai harus punya nilai sp=2

cara awal
digit pada sn

d1=5x2=10===> ini tdk boleh dibalik jadi 01
d5=7x2=14===>ini tdk boleh dibalik jadi 41

cari kepala 2 atau kepala 3 sebagai awalan pin


pin yg bisa dipakai utk imei diatas

21046145 atau 2A0dead5

sekarang kita hitung nilai sp untuk pin tsb.
dan setelah saya hitung nilai spnya = 5
walopun pin ini bisa tembus krn berdasarkan perhitungan rumus yg benar tapi krn nilai spnya tdk sama dengan imeinya maka suatu saat bisa tersuspend oleh server RIM.

bagaimana supaya gak kena suspend???

acak pola pinnya sampai dapat nilai sp=2 sama dgn sp imei.


misal saya acak jadi

21064514 nilai sp=9
24106145 nilai sp=6
26410145 nilai sp=2 ===> ini pin yg pasti valid utk imei tsb..
21441065 nilai sp=6

coba tambahin lagi

21051446 nilai sp=9

dst...hitung aja kemungkinan2nya sendiri pasti akan ada kombinasi lain yg nilai spnya juga sama,yakni 2.



Autoloader Blackberry

Autoloader 8100

Autoloader 8120

Autoloader 8220

Autoloader 8310

Autoloader 8320

Autoloader 8330

Autoloader 8520

Autoloader 8530

Autoloader 8700

Autoloader 8900

Autoloader 9000

Autoloader 9100

Autoloader 9105

Autoloader 9220

Autoloader 9300

Autoloader 9320

Autoloader 9360

Autoloader 9500

Autoloader 9520

Autoloader 9530

Autoloader 9550


Autoloader 9650

Autoloader 9720

Autoloader 9700

Autoloader 9780

Autoloader 9790

Autoloader 9800

Autoloader 9900

Autoloader 9930

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4G PlayBook

PlayBook OS2 Betas
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PlayBook OS1 1.0LeakedAndroidPlayer

Keep Learning and Keep Sharing

Senin, 12 Desember 2011


101 Previous startup failed
The device has been reset during the JVM boot process. This error indicates that the JVM found the "boot in progress" flag was set on startup. The screen is intended to break continuous reset loops so that corrective action can be taken

102 Invalid code in filesystem
The system has checked the .COD files in the handheld for modification, and determined that there is a problem with one or more .COD files. If all loads fail, it could indicate a build process error where there was a problem signing the codfiles. If some user action to the device caused this problem, the reset cycle will be continuous since the code in the filesystem has been corrupted. The only recovery method is to wipe the device and restore a new system

103 Cannot find starting address
The starting address for the boot .COD file cannot be found. This may indicate that a boot .COD file has not been installed on the device, or that its format is invalid or corrupt

104 Uncaught:
An uncaught Java exception was thrown by the Java code and diagnosed by the JVM. Execution can be continued, or the handheld can be attached to a debugger on a desktop through a serial or USB cable. The event log should contain the traceback of the thrown exception.

105 Example, DbRecSize( %d ) -> %d
The file system API has returned an error status for a certain operation. This could indicate a corrupt filesystem or an error in the JVM

106 Graphics system error
An error has been detected in the graphics system of the device

107 operator new() called A
C++ class in the JVM has not been coded correctly to inherit from VMRamObject that has the correct override for operator new. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP

108 operator delete() called A
C++ class in the JVM has not been coded correctly to inherit from VMRamObject that has the correct override for operator delete. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP

109 PriorityMessageCount error:
The value returned by RimPriorityMessageCount is negative when it should always be greater than or equal to zero. This indicates an error in the OS code. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG

110 Non-idle event downtime error:
A problem has been detected in the accumulation of JVM down time, which represents how long the JVM has been idle. This usually indicates an error in the handheld firmware or the JVM. This could also occur if the tick count rolls over after 400+ days of device time

111 Font engine error

An error has been detected in the font engine system of the device. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG

112 Java Native Assertion Failure
An error has been detected in the Java native code. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG

200 Application manager threw an uncaught exception
The application manager event thread threw an uncaught exception and so cannot continue execution

201 Crypto initialization code failed
The initialization of the crypto system failed and the handheld cannot continue execution

202 An attack on the key store has been detected
The attack has been detected and execution cannot continue.

203 Console process died
The application manager console process (usually the Ribbon) has died. This is likely due to an uncaught exception during execution.

204 Persistent Content Exception

An application tried to commit a plaintext object to the Persistent Store. This will only happen if Content Protection is on and a process tries to save something in the PersistentStore that is marked as plaintext. Since this exception was not handled, the persistent store is in a bad state.

300-303 Bad load
Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld

395 Unclassified error code

400-564 Page faults
Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld

310-314 Hardware failure
Perform a hard reset on the handheld: Shut down, remove the battery wait a few second,replace battery then see when happens when it starts or
Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld

320-325 AMX failure
Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld

330-339 Application tasks failure
Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld

340-343 Memory failure

350-359 Software application failure

360-363 Flash memory failure
Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld

365-368 This one is often followed by "OHHH @&#%!!"

410 Radio failure
Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld

507 No applications on handheld
Reflash handheld

Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error


All processes exited The last Java process has terminated. There is nothing left to execute

Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error

Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error

505 VM_BAD_CODE: Bad Byte Code
An error has occurred in the JIT compiler

506 Uncaught Exception
An uncaught Java exception was thrown in the initial VM Java thread thus ending the only live thread in the system. The eventlog contains the traceback for the exception

507 Unsatisfied Link
A dependency on a .COD file could not be satisfied because the .COD file is missing

508 Invalid object
A problem has been detected with a debugger command to the VM

509 VM_PPO_INFINITE_LOOP: infinite loop in PPO phase of GC
The maximum iteration count for the PPO phase of a GC must be the maximum number of file handles in the system. This error indicates that the iteration count has exceeded that count and hence there is a flaw in the PPO loop or a corrupted file system. The extra hex integer in the error string is the flash id of the current record where the infinite loop was detected

510 Deadlock
All threads are waiting on objects, resulting in deadlock. The system cannot recover from this state because no thread can release a lock

511 Debug connection died A
problem has occurred while debugging that may be caused by a VM problem or an incorrect debugging command being sent to the VM

512 GC Aborted
An idle garbage collection has been interrupted by a user event, such as pressing the keyboard or moving the trackwheel

513 needs running
An opcode requires that a class execute before it can continue execution

514 needs running
A new instance of a class has been allocated and it must be initialized by the default constructor before it can be used

515 Object group too big
The reachable objects form a group that cannot be represented properly by the JVM because either there are too many objects or the total size of the objects is too large

516 Persistent ids exhausted
When committing a persistent object, the JVM found that the persistent store id counter has reached its limit. The object was not committed and a critical error was reported. This error should never happen unless a device is heavily used for years

517 Filesystem corrupt
An inconsistency has been detected in the JVM persistent object store

518 Unexpected longjmp
A garbage collection marking phase was terminated via a longjmp. This indicates that the marking phase was interrupted when it should have completed without interruption. This should never happen because these actions are executed when the device is not idle, and GCs can only be interrupted when the device is idle

519 Internal Error
The JVM host is missing or has been disabled

520 Internal Return
An internal state that indicates a Java method return needs to be executed

521 Dangerous Wait
An Object.wait() has been executed by a thread that holds a lock on another object. This is only checked in the simulator under the control of the JvmDebugWaits application switch

522 Interlaced synchronization
A thread has acquired two locks on objects in an order that doesn't match the order that previous locks for the two types were acquired. This indicates a future potential deadlock situation and is reported. The check is only available in the simulator under the control of the JvmDebugLocks application switch

523 System process died
A critical Java process has terminated, and the device cannot continue to operate in a normal manner

524 LMM error
An object has been marked as recovered by the Low Memory Manager, but it was not freed during a garbage collection. This is only checked in the simulator under the control of the JvmDebugLMM application switch

525 Bad persistent object
An auto-commit operation during a garbage collection has detected a non-persistent object reachable from the persistent store root. The type of the object has been output into the eventlog

526 java.lang.Object not found
The class definition for java.lang.Object cannot be found

527 java.lang.String not found
The class definition for java.lang.String cannot be found

528 Corrupt filesystem
Unrecoverable. All data will be lost